Something that I took away from the growth mindset memes was about feedback. It just discussed how feeling uncomfortable about feedback is normal and that when we accept it things seem to get better and easier. This stuck out because I'm struggling with one of my accounting classes and how to study for it. And I asked my mom who is a CPA for some help and tips, but when I ask for her help I don't always take her feedback well even though I need it. So I need to work on taking feedback from her and others better so that I can just better myself.

Growth Mindset Feedback
Hi Ryan!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I came back to your blog. I am the SAME way. I hate receiving feedback and get so awkward and embarrassed by it. This class has really made me get out of my comfort zone because before, I would never let people read my stories. This class has helped me get over the feedback fear and now I am more accepting of feedback!