Tortoise and the birds- stuck out to me as a classic never put your eggs in one basket kind of story/never put all your trust into someone youre not 100% trusting.
Peacock and the Juno- reminds me of some of my kids at the camp I work for that have such a desire to be first at everything that other people dont want to play with them.
2. Birds Part 2- none that stood out to me
3. Insects, snakes, and crabs
Man and the serpent- made me think of the time when my twin sister and I were 11 and she made me get in a bike wreck and bust my knee open
Woodman and the snake- made me think dont trust those that are known to harm you
4. Frogs and Fish
Fisher and the little fish- appreciate the things in your life now because you may not have them later
5. Nature and inanimate objects- really didnt care for any of these stories
6. Humans and Gods
avaracious and envious- be happy with what you have, look into more for writing story.
Hercules and the wagoner- made me think of the seen in "where the red ferns grow" when the boy is trying to chop down the big tree and his grandpa that to do it he has to meet god halfway.
old man and death- when we say things we dont mean and instantly regret them
7. Family and Friends
2 fellows and the bear- kinda made me randomly think of the seen in The Revenant where Leonardo Dicaprio has a run in with a bear.
8. People Wise and Foolish Part 1
The Shepherds boy- obviously its the story of the boy who cried wolf, but it also makes me think of the story "peter and the wolf"
9. People Wise and Foolish part 2
The man, the boy, and the donkey- classic example of people that try to please everyone that end up just causing themselves and others trouble.

Hercules and the Wagoner made me think or the movie "Where the Red Ferns Grow"
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