I would like to start out by saying that I really enjoyed this video and I think everyone should watch it because it really opens your eyes about the pressure that is put on kids and how it can effect them. Before this assignment I had never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset idea. After watching the videos I see myself as the "fixed mindset" kind of person, and I feel like it has a lot to do with how my parents approached grades growing up. In my childhood grades werent as much about effort as they were just getting the result. I could study for weeks and do everything I possibly could to do well on an exam, but when the time came and I didnt perform then to them it didnt matter how much effort or time I spent studying. I dont think this the mindset to have as a parent because now in college if I mess up on a test or something that I have studied hard for I get upset because I didnt get the result I wanted, I dont even think about the fact that I studied hard and did everything I could. I think I would enjoy learning more about growth mindset this semester, and really want to try to apply it to my life this year.

Comparing the Mindsets, Source: Carriekepple.com)
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