A long time ago there was a man named Guillermo who had two
wives. Though they were married, Guillermo’s wives did not love him, or even
like him for that matter. They had all wed through an arranged marriage, to
which the wives were very displeased with. Because of their displeasure they
were not good wives to Guillermo. He would be out hunting all day and when he
would return nothing would be done around the house. No food made, no cleaning
had been done, and no wives in sight. They were much younger than Guillermo, so
they would always be out partying and having relations while Guillermo did all
the work. When the wives did finally return home they would always get chewed
out by Guillermo. This became such a regular thing that Guillermo decided the
only way to teach his wives to be good was to move away from the big village,
where they would all be alone. So he packed up everything and moved them off on
the prairie and camped at the foot of a high butte.
Every evening about
sundown the man used to climb up to the top of this butte and sit there and
look all over the country to see where the buffalo were feeding and and wonder
if his wives would ever be good to him. On top of the hill there was a buffalo
skull, on which he used to sit.
One day one of the
women said to the other, "It is very lonely here; we have no one to talk
with or to visit."
"Let us kill our husband," said the
other; "then we can go back to our relations and have a good time."
Early next morning the man set out to hunt and,
as soon as he was out of sight, his wives went up on top of the butte where he
used to sit. There they dug a deep hole and covered it over with light sticks
and grass and dirt, so that it looked like the other soil near by, and placed
the buffalo skull on the sticks which covered the hole.
The wives waited and watched for
Guillermo to return, and finally they saw him coming over the hill carrying all
the meat he had killed. Guillermo came home, dropped off the meat, and climbed
up his butte to sit on the buffalo skull like he had always done. But this time
when he went to go sit on the buffalo skull, the sticks broke and he fell into
a hole. Once Guillermo had fallen in the hole, the wives packed up all their
belongings and made their way to the big camp, crying and mourning over the
death of Guillermo. They told the people of the village that he had been gone
for days on a hunting trip and that he had not returned, so they assumed that
he was dead.
Now Guillermo didn’t actually die, but
was stuck in the pit and was in an unbearable amount of pain. Guillermo thought
that he would surely die here. A pack of wolves was hunting nearby and saw
Guillermo stuck in the pit. Guillermo assumed that they would just eat him, but
to his surprise the wolves pulled him out of the pit and brought him to their
den. They brought him to the leader of the pack that had special healing powers
and he brought Guillermo back to full health. On top of healing him the pack
leader turned Guillermo’s head and hands to that of a wolf, but left the rest
of his body unchanged.
Guillermo joined the pack helped the
wolves steal meat from the big camp. The wolves normally couldn’t get near the
meat because of the villager’s traps, but with Guillermo, the man wolf, they
could get to the meat easily. The villagers discovered that the traps kept
getting pulled and knew they must put a stop to whatever it was. That night Guillermo
and the wolves set out like usual to steal meat, and like always Guillermo went
first to unhook all the traps. But this time while he was unhooking the traps,
the villagers jumped out and surrounded him. They caught him with ropes and
brought him to the light of the fire, and at once they knew who it was.
“Guillermo it is you, we thought you
had died?” said the villagers. Guillermo explained to the villagers what his
wives had done and how the wolves had saved him. This made the villagers angry
and they knew that the wives would need to be punished. Rather than killing the
wives, the villagers sentenced them to exile to where they would have to live
the remainder of their days alone, fending for themselves. The wives were never
heard from again.
Bibligography: The Wolf Man- Blackfoot Storybook, Grinnell
Author's Note: I actually made my story pretty close to the original. Some of the things that I changed was about why the wives tried to kill the man, because in the story they didnt elaborate on it very well. I also changed the punishment that the wives had for trying to kill the man, because in the original it doesnt really specify. Also as you already noticed from reading I named the main character Guillermo because he didnt have a name before.