This is another story by HP Lovecraft that I found pretty interesting. It tells the story of an old terrible man that lives in a old sketchy house by himself and does some peculiar things. These 3 men are very curious about the terrible old man so they devise a plan to break into the house and see whats up. This goes south for the men and they end of dead. This whole story reminds me a lot of the movie Monster House. Theres a mean old man that never lets anyone near his house and is mean to everyone. But really hes protecting them from his house because its haunted with the ghost of his dead wife.
Source: The Terrible Old man
Monster House
Ryan Millers Blog
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Reading Notes B: Grimm
For this set of reading notes I will mainly be focusing on the story of Snow White and Rose Red. I had never heard of this version of Snow White, only the disney version but I liked this one a lot. I liked the plot twist at the end where the bear turned out to be a cursed prince. You could probably make a good back story on the princes version of the story and how he became cursed in the first place. Or a after story about how the other dwarves planned on getting revenge on the prince for the death of their fallen comrade.
Source: Snow White and Red-Rose by Grimm
Reading Notes A: Grimm
For this set of reading notes I plan on focusing on the story of hansel and grethel. Something that could be pretty cool would be to switch the roles of hansel and grethel and the parents. Since the kids overheard the parents talking about leaving them in the forest, the kids take action and leave the parents in the forest for dead. Or maybe add some background on the witch that tries to eat them. Maybe she had some hardship in her life that made her want to eat children, who knows. Maybe she lost children of her own or cooked her own children, but it would be nice to add some background to why some of these villains in these stories do what they do.
Hansel and Grethel
Source: Hansel and Grethel by Grimm
Hansel and Grethel
Source: Hansel and Grethel by Grimm
Myth/Folklore Improvements
As a whole I have really enjoyed this class, it has been very fun and interesting. It has definitely helped me take time away from all my business classes and express my creative ideas.
I really like the idea of having a planning week instead of a review. I think reviewing is definitely important, but I think planning would help the students have something to work towards rather than have them just look back at what they did. I also really like the idea of a story planning option, so definitely continue that. I only used it once but it was nice when I had a busy week in other classes that I could just plan out what I was going to write and then put it all together next week. I think audio recording would be pretty fun too. I definitely like listening better than reading so that might help some people, but this one is probably optional.
The beast in the cave: Reading notes
For these reading I read the beast in the cave by HP Lovecraft. This reading tells the story of a man lost in a cave while on a hiking tour. He is left alone and is certain he will die of starvation. At a last desperate effort to get help from the tour guide he starts yelling for help. This attracts a beast that the man can only hear getting closer but cant see it. As it gets closer the man throws a big stone at it and seems to wound it, he then runs away and luckily finds the guide. They then back track and go try to find out what the creature was. Upon finding and observing the injured creature they make the shocking realization that this creature is or at one time was a man.
This story could spark for a interesting storytelling opportunity. The story could feature the creature and his background and how he got to the cave.
The Beast in the Cave
This story could spark for a interesting storytelling opportunity. The story could feature the creature and his background and how he got to the cave.
The Beast in the Cave
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Story Planning: Modern day Dantes Inferno
So for my planning phase I want to focus on making the story
of Dantes Inferno more current and relatable. I plan on changing up a lot of
the character including changing the guide. I was thinking of changing the
guide from Virgil to a more modern poet Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss saves Dante from
the leopard (represents lack of self-control) , lion (represents violence), and
she wolf (represents fraud) that hunt him through the woods. He tells Dante
that he has been sent by his “Divine Love” Beatrice has sent him to guide him
through hell so that she may guide him through purgatory. If Dante doesn’t come
with Dr. Seuss the beasts will kill him, so he decides to take the journey
through Hell. Dr. Seuss explains to Dante the 9 levels of Hell: Limbo, Lust,
Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and Treachery. Dr. Seuss
guides Dante through the gates of Hell and the ferryman, Charon, takes them
across the Acheron river. Dante find himself in Limbo, where ill need to come
back and add modern people to be in this level of hell. He next goes to the
level of Lust where he finds the famous golfer Tiger Woods there. Next in
Gluttony he finds Lindsay Lohan. In Greed he finds people such a C. Montgomery
Burns from the Simpsons. In Anger he finds the Hulk, Mel Gibson, and Anger from
Inside Out. Going to come back to the Heresy level. For the Violence level,
some of the most famous serial killers of all time will be featured: Michael
Myers, Jason Voorhees, Ted Bundy, OJ Simpson and many others. Fraud will be
spotlighted by Charles Ponzi, Bernie Madoff, Rush Limbaugh and Jeffrey
Skilling. The treachery level will have people such as Donald Trump, Hillary
Clinton, Guy Fawkes, Benedict Arnold, and Kevin Durant. So I plan on building
around these ideas a lot more in the coming week and will have appropriate
Bibliography: Dantes Inferno by Dante Alighieri and Modern Day Dantes Inferno
Monday, November 14, 2016
Reading Notes A&B: Inferno
For my reading this week I want to focus on Dantes Inferno. This is a story that I am very familiar with and find incredibly interesting. The main thing I want to do for it is change up the levels of hell and change up the examples that are given. Maybe have the levels be more focused on things: 7 levels of college hell, levels of social media hell, etc. I think I want to come of with a new guide for Dante, and maybe even change the main character to someone else as well. I plan on taking this week to do a planning post and then doing my story next week. I plan on being way more extensive with my plan than my notes.

Dantes Inferno

Dantes Inferno
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